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Mr Abhishek Mishra

Mr Abhishek Mishra

ABHISHEK MISHRA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY : ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY An experienced UPSC mentor with a rich background spanning eight years. His dedication to guiding and shaping the futures of aspirants [...]
Mr Amit Narauni

Mr Amit Narauni

AMIT NARAUNI POLITY AND GOVERNANCE ; SOCIAL ISSUES ; INTERNATIONAL RELATION An experienced UPSC mentor spanning twelve years in his career His dedication to guiding and mentoring the futures of [...]
Mr Yogendra Sharma

Mr Yogendra Sharma

YOGEDRA SHARMA ECONOMICS As an esteem Faculty members in economics at our prestigious institutions, academIAS as the Academy of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or other civil service training institutes, have [...]
Col Manish Kumar

Col Manish Kumar

COL MANISH KUMAR SECURITY, DISASTER MANAGEMENT , TECHNOLOGY Col Manish Kumar, the founder and CEO of academIAS, is a visionary entrepreneur with comprehensive knowledge of the existing domain. An expert [...]